Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Obama and thug politics #wiunion #p2

The public sector unions are out to destroy America and remake it in a socialist image.

And Barack Obama is at the heart of it.

Amplify’d from
'Organizing for America' goes Hamas
Sandy Rios - Guest Columnist - 3/16/2011 7:40:00 AMBookmark and Share

"This is what democracy looks like!" the people are chanting and clapping with a pretty awesome beat. This is very real and it's happening now. Friends, allies, workers, we're all here at the capitol in Madison in the fight for our rights. The spirit inside and out of the packed building are filled with faces showing all ranges of emotions...."

There was no mention of that "range of emotion" that included hate.


Death threats to Wisconsin Republican Governor, Scott Walker, and his party's 18 senators have been direct and unambiguous. They are numerous and specific and they are coming from protestors in sympathy with union protestors connected to the President of the United States. But the President is silent...Organizing for America is silent and so have been NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, CNN, the New York Times, and most major media.


These are excerpts from an e-mail sent March 9 to Republican senators:

"Read below for...possible scenarios in which you will die...I hope you have a good time in hell...we have put...a nice little bullet in your head....I as well as many others know where you and your family live...we wouldn't leave it there....we have also built several bombs...placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent...that includes your house, your car, the state capitol, and well, I won't tell you all of them because that's just no fun...we will "get rid of" (in which I mean kill) you....Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and say goodbye to your loved ones....YOU WILL DIE!!!"


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