Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear FLOTUS: Shut up. Signed, your kids.

It's clear that Michelle Obama has issues.

I mean, selling a national weight-guilt program on the basis that your skinny daughters are fat, when you buy your dresses at Milan's and Paris' most trendy tent and awning shoppes?

So, on behalf of your children and kids everywhere, please shut up.


Amplify’d from
Who Needs A Therapist?

In that awkward stage in between being a little kid and a teenager, that space of years we’ve come to call “tween”, I can tell you that girls already have taken notice of their body shape and type and started comparing it to the celebrities they see on TV, girls often older than they are.  This comparison influences the way they dress, what they eat, how they carry themselves, and most importantly how they view themselves when they look in the mirror.  In a culture that dictates girls should be stick thin and flawless, dress provocatively and above their age group, and intimacy is expected lest you be considered a “prude”, it is harder for girls today than ever before to be comfortable in their own skin.

Michelle Obama has, on more than one occasion, drawn attention to her daughters’ weight and BMI (body mass index) in an attempt to justify her Food Police agenda.  Rather than coming out and saying, “Gee, I really want to control what people eat and drink because I think it’d be fun”, the First Lady is poking her finger at her own kids and telling parents, “See, I relate to you. Your kids aren’t the only ones with a little paunch – look at my girls!” (The Obama girls are NOT fat or even close to it; in fact, they are beautiful, healthy girls that don’t deserve any of this, in my opinion.)

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