Sunday, October 03, 2010

Republicans should serve as election judges. #ILSen #ILGov #icot

The Illinois Republican Party would like to remind you that to best ensure the accuracy of the voting process, Election Judges from all political parties are needed to maintain accountablility. They say:

Dear Fellow Republican,

We write today to ask you – urgently – to help us in one of the most important tasks of this electoral year.

Please consider serving as an Election Judge in your home county.

Serving as a judge is the toughest one-day job you will ever love. It is a very long day, from about 5:15 a.m. to after 9 p.m., but the rewards of ensuring a fair election are quite satisfying.

If you are interested in participating in this important effort, please email us at The State Party will coordinate with county organizations to make sure they are aware of your willingness to help with this very important effort.

Thank you for your time, attention and consideration. Filling open judge seats is a key component to bring Illinoisans the representation and government they want and deserve. That’s why we appreciate you considering serving as a Judge of Election.


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